Sunday, 31 October 2010

and just like everything else-

One day i want you to look at it like i do, and one day i want you to see how 
beautiful it is. 

Its a beautiful sight, 
er' i saw one.
Moterways snake like village rivers, 
Streetlights like a sea 
of orange and blue LED's 
floating on a rolling night black ocean. 
And then there's the anticipation- 
intensifying and accumalating round our feet
like early morning mist-
like the planes a submarine 
and theres a hole in the bottom. 
Some souls clinging on to the seats like cliff faces, 
others leisurely reading a book. then
BANG! rattle rattle rattle, 
and everyones smiling. 
{some because this is the most
fun they've had in weeks.
Others because there just thinking 
Thank god its over.
And when your there, oh boy. 
Its like they've stolen the brightest night sky, 
and splayed it over the concrete car park, 
like you throw a royal flush on a poker table. 
And because of the condensation
on the too-small plastic square 
the streetlight stars have halo's 
Like the nativity scene you see in church bibles
only the stars shine like lovers eyes 
and thier held up with sticks. i tell you-
Its a beautiful sight, 
er' i saw one.

yea so, im back. 
Lie and say you missed me. ~

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